It is common to hear religious people marvel at the "incomprehensible" nature of the atonement and suffering of Christ. This can be attributed to many true statements made by the general authorities along those lines:
"How One could bear the sins for all is beyond the comprehension of mortal man" (Ezra Taft Benson, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson, (2014), 89–101).
"In some incredible way that none of us can fully comprehend, the Savior took upon Himself the sins of the world" (M. Russell Ballard, "The Atonement and the Value of One Soul," Ensign, May 2004).
"We can’t fully understand how Jesus suffered for our sins" (
“While we do not fully understand how the Atonement of Christ was made, we can experience 'the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.'” (Boyd K. Packer, “The Touch of the Master’s Hand,” Ensign, May 2001,
However, while there are clearly aspects of the atonement which defy mortal understanding, or which have not yet been revealed to us, there is much that has been taught in the scriptures and by latter-day prophets concerning the atonement which is plain and easy to understand. Furthermore, the fact that there are are some incomprehensible aspects of the atonement is not an excuse for members of the church to remain ignorant of the workings of the atonement when there is so much we do (or can) understand if we will only apply ourselves to study and reflection.
To fail to grasp the plain and simple truths to which we, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, have been granted unprecedented access, is to waste one of the most precious gifts which has been given to man. Moreover, if we fail to fully comprehend what is comprehensible about the atonement, we may keep ourselves from fully enjoying the blessings and the peace which Christ offers to each one of us. In fact, I daresay that much of the personal suffering and anxiety among the individual members of the church can be traced back to an imperfect (or downright incomplete) understanding of the blessings and power of the atonement. Worse, as a missionary church, we try to communicate to others the blessings of a greater light and knowledge regarding the gospel which Christ taught, and which is supposed to bring us closer to Him; however, if we ourselves do not have a correct understanding of Christ's atoning sacrifice and its meaning in our own lives, then how can we expect to be able to convert others to the truth? How can we expect others to represent our beliefs correctly if we ourselves do not possess a correct understanding of the very foundation of our faith?
"We need to understand the Atonement more fully than we do, both because outsiders may misperceive our doctrine and because we may view the Atonement too narrowly in our own lives. For example, Newsweek magazine has stated: “Unlike orthodox Christians, Mormons believe that men are born free of sin and earn their way to godhood by the proper exercise of free will, rather than through the grace of Jesus Christ. Thus Jesus’ suffering and death in the Mormon view … do not atone for the sins of others.” (Newsweek, 1 Sept. 1980, p. 68.)
It disturbs me that Newsweek would miss the point of our core doctrine, even though the article purported not to summarize our theology but to report what Latter-day Saints actually believe. It is unfortunate when we convey incorrect ideas to others; but it is worse when we, by our limited doctrinal understanding, deny ourselves the reassurance and guidance we may desperately need at pivotal moments in our lives" (Bruce C. Hafen, "Beauty for Ashes: The Atonement of Jesus Christ," Ensign, May 1990,
To the end that we might more fully understand the power and blessings (and the basic workings) of the atonement, I have begun a series in which I will define certain basic terms which are commonly used in scripture to describe certain aspects of the atonement and how or why it was made. The terms include words and phrases such as, justification, sanctification, and propitiation. It is my hope that a more complete understanding of the terms used in the scriptures to communicate the power and meaning of the atonement will provide a jumping off point whereby those who read these articles might enabled to make discoveries and gain insights of their own as they study the scriptures to learn more about the atonement. Hopefully, they might be taught more fully by the Holy Ghost as they revisit the scriptures with new eyes, and with the aid of an increased understanding.
Justification: Being accounted righteous by God through faith in Him. This is essentially a purely legal term that does not in fact deal with one’s inner nature in any way. It is the declaration by God that
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Great Apostasy - Part 2
What caused the Great Apostasy?/External Persecution?
Here is the second part in my series on the Great Apostasy. If you have not yet viewed Part 1 you should follow this link so you can view it first before you start part 2. In this segment we examine the persecution that was heaped upon the early saints, and attempt to determine how and if that persecution contributed to the eventual demise of the primitive church as it was established by Christ. As always, feedback is appreciated. Also, when you are done you can move on to Part 3.
**For ideal viewing, click the fullscreen button on the bottom left hand side of the player, or hit Ctrl+Shift+F to view the presentation at its full size.
Here is the second part in my series on the Great Apostasy. If you have not yet viewed Part 1 you should follow this link so you can view it first before you start part 2. In this segment we examine the persecution that was heaped upon the early saints, and attempt to determine how and if that persecution contributed to the eventual demise of the primitive church as it was established by Christ. As always, feedback is appreciated. Also, when you are done you can move on to Part 3.
**For ideal viewing, click the fullscreen button on the bottom left hand side of the player, or hit Ctrl+Shift+F to view the presentation at its full size.
early church
Jesus Christ
Roman Empire
the great apostasy
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Great Apostasy - Part 1
Introduction/Prophets and Apostles
This is the first in a planned series on the Great Apostasy. For ideal viewing, click the fullscreen button on the bottom left hand side of the player, or hit Ctrl+Shift+F to view the presentation at its full size. Let me know what you think of this format in general, and my presentation in particular. Also, here are links to Part 2 and Part 3
This is the first in a planned series on the Great Apostasy. For ideal viewing, click the fullscreen button on the bottom left hand side of the player, or hit Ctrl+Shift+F to view the presentation at its full size. Let me know what you think of this format in general, and my presentation in particular. Also, here are links to Part 2 and Part 3
early church
Jesus Christ
Roman Empire
the great apostasy
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Please be patient.
I'm working on the next post, but it's turned into a bigger project than I anticipated. I expect to have it done in the next day or two. It will be something a little different from the things that I have posted in the past.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Don't forget to "follow" my blog
In the sidebar on the right hand side of your screen you'll find a list of my followers. Click on the link, and you can follow as well. This will make it easier for you to find out about new posts.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A question about the Bible

Last year a friend of mine sent me an interesting question about the Bible. In many respects it is similar to questions that I was asked on a regular basis while I was on my mission, but in this case I got to talk a lot longer and, perhaps, develop my ideas more fully. That's code for: I enjoyed answering this one.
A. K.
September 22 at 8:17pm
Do you know how many different versions of the bible there are? I don't understand how any of it could be true when it's been edited so much. I was thinking about getting a Hebrew bible once. I figured that might be as close to true as you could get but I'm sure that's been edited way beyond truth too.
Michael Maier
Today at 4:35pm
I hope that this answers some of your questions:
Book of Mormon
Sunday, December 6, 2009
A few thoughts on Hope as a principle of the Gospel

A friend of mine asked me for some insights on Hope and belief when she was asked to speak on the subject in church. I have posted my response here in the hope that you will find my thoughts on the subject instructive and perhaps even enlightening.
You might choose to focus on the fact that hope is not only an essential attribute of Christ that we ought to strive to emulate, but that it is also one of the 3 paramount spiritual gifts that any Christian might aspire to receive. Moreover it is one of the great principles of salvation and exaltation.
Have you heard the biblical phrase "faith, hope, and charity"? That phrase comes from Paul's great treatise on the nature of spiritual gifts. It stretches from 1 Corinthians 12 through 14, but 13 is all about faith, hope and charity (mainly charity, but as you read you'll see that they are all inextricably interconnected-you can't truly possess one of these attributes without possessing the others.)
Christlike attributes
Jesus Christ
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Anonymous Religion Questionnaire #1

Just for fun you can fill out this questionnaire about your religious habits. There are two versions of the questionnaire. This one is aimed more at people who identify with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Copy and paste these questions into your email, then answer the questions and email it to:
Don't send me your name, as I am more interested in your answers than I am in your actual identity.
Anonymous Religion Questionnaire #2
Just for fun you can fill out this questionnaire about your religious habits. There are two versions of the questionnaire. This one is aimed at people who do not identify with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Copy and paste these questions into your email, then answer the questions and email it to:
Don't send me your name, as I am more interested in your answers than I am in your actual identity.
Don't send me your name, as I am more interested in your answers than I am in your actual identity.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Why should you care?

In Bible Study, we recently finished reading the epistle of James, and are now in the midst of Galatians. In preparing (and teaching) for these studies, I find myself challenged with establishing the immediate relevance of the issues and questions contained in The New Testament for a group of students made up largely of LDS people who are under 30. On the surface, it may seem like many of the letters written by the New Testament Apostles deal with concerns that are almost entirely specific and unique to the time in which they were written, and in some cases to the culture of the people to which the epistle was addressed. And this raises the question, why should a modern-day Christian (or anyone else for that matter) care about such questions as whether or not Gentiles needed to be circumcised, or what role (if any) the Mosaic Law will play in our lives under the Law of Christ (The Gospel)? In an effort to address this question, I plan to write a series of articles ( beginning with this one) about why you should care, using various episodes from the scriptures as basic examples of things that you should care about, even if you don’t.
Those of you with a short attention span may want to skip to the end where it says: "Here's why you should care."
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