
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Anonymous Religion Questionnaire #1

Just for fun you can fill out this questionnaire about your religious habits. There are two versions of the questionnaire. This one is aimed more at people who identify with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Copy and paste these questions into your email, then answer the questions and email it to:
Don't send me your name, as I am more interested in your answers than I am in your actual identity.

This 22 question survey is intended for use in a book designed to encourage and facilitate the spiritual well-being of people of all ages, but especially that of young people. Please be honest in your answers.

Anonymous Gospel Questionnaire

Age:_____ Gender:_____

1) What religion do you identify or affiliate with (if any)?

2) How often do you attend church?

3) Do you attend more than one church? ( Y / N ) If so, why?

4) Do you feel that your time at church is well spent? ( Y / N ) What makes you feel that way?

5) Do you feel that you have a strong testimony of the truth of the Gospel as restored through Joseph Smith? ( Y / N ) of God and Jesus Christ? ( Y /N ) of the scriptures? (Y/N) Why or Why not?

6) Do you have any questions about God, his Gospel, the Scriptures, religion, or anything else that you feel have not been adequately answered in your church? (Y / N) If so what are they, and why haven’t they been answered?

7) What is your favorite book of Scripture? (i.e. The Book of Mormon, The Bible, The Doctrine and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price) What is your favorite book or chapter in the scriptures?

8) (Fill in the Blank) Do you feel that your teachers in church use the Bible__________the other standard works in teaching and preparing for their lessons?

a) More than

b) Less than

c) About as often as

d) Not at all compared to

9) How often do you study your scriptures?

10) Do you feel that you generally have a hard time or an easy time understanding what is written in the scriptures? If you have a hard time, what keeps you from understanding the scriptures? If you have an easy time of it, what tips do you have for everyone else?

11) How often do you pray?

12) Do you feel that God answers your prayers? ( Y / N ) Why or why not?

13) What are the main things that interfere with your efforts to:

a) Study your scriptures?

b) Hold meaningful and regular prayer?

c) Attend Church often?

14) Do you consider yourself to be a sinner? ( Y / N ) Why or Why not? (No specifics here please)

15) What role does the Savior play in your life? How does his atonement affect you personally?
16) What are the basic principles and ordinances of the Gospel that Jesus Christ taught?

17) Do you consider baptism (and receiving the Holy Ghost) to be essential for Salvation? ( Y / N ) Why or why not?

18) (multiple choice) Where do you feel that the Gospel is best taught and learned?

a) In the mission field.

b) At Church.

c) In the home.

d) On T.V.

19) Have you ever served a proselytizing or service mission for your church? ( Y / N) If so, did you feel that it was a positive or negative experience? Why?

20) How do you feel about the efforts of other churches to proselyte (recruit new converts to their churches)? How do you feel about them recruiting from among the membership of your church?

21) Do you feel that you are diligent in service to your Church? ( Y/ N ) What about Christian service to others? ( Y/ N ) What would be a typical act of service to your church? To your fellow man?

22) Do you feel that the Temple (and Temple worship) is important? ( Y/ N ) Why or why not?

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