Saturday, April 25, 2020

Call For Questions

Do you have a gospel or scripture related question? Is there an aspect of church doctrine which confuses you? Chances are, others would like to know the answer too!

Submit your questions in the comments below, or send a message to this page, and (if I select your question) I will provide an in-depth answer to your question in an article on Scripturesight, based on careful research of the scriptures and the teachings of the general authorities.

*Please keep questions appropriate and on-topic (and gospel-centered). No anti-mormon rants, please. It's OK to ask questions! After all, good, thoughtful questions are an important part of the searching, pondering, and praying that make up meaningful scripture study! To see why, check out my article on the subject: Scripture Master Tip #4: It's OK to Ask Questions!

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this blog are wholly those of the author, and do not represent the official opinions or positions of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or any other church.

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